About Preppbox
We who started Preppbox are called Brita, Kalle and Patrick.
Preppbox was founded by Brita Zackari, Kalle Zackari Wahlström and Patrick Sellman. Two of us are married to each other, the third has a podcast with one of the married. The podcast is called Waiting for the disaster and basically consists of Patrick telling Kalle that he is completely screwed if the crisis comes. Brita honestly cares zero about home preparation. So she is the one who is driven the most if it weren't for the fact that her husband collects water in cans and has a freezer you can put meat in brine in if the power goes out. But the vast majority of them don't actually have room for a freezer. In addition, you may have children who are not so fond of chickpeas with uncooked pasta. Yes, somewhere there the idea of Preppbox began - what would be insurance against empty stomachs if the crisis comes. A box with 20,000 kcal of good nutritionally calculated meals that fits perfectly in a standard wardrobe and lasts at least two years. Something we ourselves missed, but now exists - and which we proudly have in our own homes. Like here:
That's barely a fifth of Sweden's population. Prepared, then. But together we can change that. That's why Preppbox - as a product and as an idea - is in everything we do. We want to make it easier to be more prepared if the crisis comes. Simply talk about crisis preparedness in a way that you understand - and in a way that you want!
We use producers who are recognized as the best in the world when it comes to the quality of soft preserved dishes. Every product that we have in stock goes through a number of test processes before they are put into production. In step 1 the producer tests, in step 2 our partner Outmeals tests (more on them below!) and in step 3 soldiers test and rate on a scale between 1-9, where 6 is approved for NATO. However, we and Outmeals have an internal requirement of at least 6.5 for production, precisely to get the best dishes possible. If you want to read our and Outmeal's code of conduct, it is available in English here (PDF). In addition to that, Outmeals, and by extension we, have also signed the UN Global Compact, which is part of the UN's global goals within Agenda 2030.
Outmeals was started in 2015 by Pelle (with a military background) and Johan (with a chef background), who both worked with field rations, so-called combat rations, for many years. Since 2015, they have been working hard, and successfully, to find, test and sell food and accessories to militaries, authorities and NGOs. And then in 2021 with being responsible for the food and accessories in Preppbox, which have been developed and are being developed in close collaboration. Read more about Outmeals on their website.
We do it together
If you read all the way here: thank you . And sorry! But really, we hope you 've read all the way here. Because if you yourself are prepared, it actually benefits the whole society. Our first products are the boxes with food, but we will continue to develop our range. If you already have requests or suggestions: get in touch! And don't forget to leave your e-mail below and to follow us on Instagram - as I said, we want to make it easier, and a little more fun, to increase your crisis preparedness, and we will do that primarily via email and Instagram.
Together we will be prepared, not afraid
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